divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010

Ali Salem Tamek transferred to hospital

The Salé prison administration transferred Ali Salem Tamek to Ibn Sina hospital in Rabat due tot his worsening health situation following the hunger strike he’s been on since 18 March 2010. He remained in hospital for at least 2 hours, undergoing tests. Sources close to him have informed us that Mr Tamek refused serums.

Ali Salem Tamek suffers from low blood pressure, total dehydration and chronic asthma. Tamek started a hunger strike together with Brahim Dahhane, Ahmad Nasiri, Yahdih Ettarrouzi and Rachid Sghayar, in protest of what they view as terrible prison conditions.

Source: Aljarida aloula, number 580 date 8/4/2010 (Moroccan newspaper)

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